Kinship and Urbanization in Inner Asia (Workshop)

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland

Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology

Centre for Central Asian Studies

Centre for Migration Studies


Kinship and Urbanization in Inner Asia

30-31 January 2020

The workshop is devoted to the impact of sedentarization and urbanization on family patterns and kinship practices in Inner Asia. The exponential growth of nomads’ migration to the cities located in the region that resulted from the breakdown of collective forms of pastoral economic activity as well as herd or flock privatization has the following characteristic dimensions:


   1. The spatial dimension (the key role of the suburbs and the areas surrounding cities)

2. The institutional dimension (the synthesis of formal and informal institutions and the practice of developing new forms of social capital based on a kinship system and territorial solidarity)

3. The infrastructural dimension (the illegal use of urban and suburban infrastructure as well as the relocation of rural houses and yurts from pastoral areas to the city suburbs).

The key element to all the above-mentioned aspects is the influence exerted by the “urbanization” of the kinship system and the hybrid forms of solidarity on the daily adaptation forms of new city residents.



Topics of interest

We encourage professionals across the region to submit proposals for papers on a topic of their choice relating to the session theme. Possible topics include:

  • sub-urbanization in Inner Asia
  • nomads and urban space
  • kinship and urbanization
  • postnomadism
  • socialist versus post-socialist forms of sedentarization

Prace Etnograficzne „Kinship and Urbanization in Inner Asia”

Właśnie ukazał się podwójny numer tematyczny Prac Etnograficznych UJ pt. „Kinship and Urbanization in Inner Asia”. Zebrane teksty są efektem seminarium współorganizowanego przez Centrum Badań Środkowoazjatyckich UAM, Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii UAM, a także Centrum Badań migracyjnych UAM w roku 2020. Teksty wyłożone są w otwartym dostępie na stronie czasopisma.


Zachęcam do czytania: Prace Etnograficzne

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